Insurrection - Online Store


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Insurrection is a metal band from Gatineau, Quebec. Formed over 20 years ago (2003), the band is known for their intense and energetic performances. Their sound is a unique twist of groovy death metal mixed with a health dose of thrash energy. . The band has released several albums, including "Prologue" (2008), "Fracture" (2010), "Prototype" (2013),"Extraction" (2017) and their new one, "Obsolescence" released by Bam&Co-Heavy during september 2024.


Their music often addresses social and political themes through bilingual lyrics in both English and French. The band has gained a notable reputation on stage throughout Canada with tours covering coast to coast, including performances at festivals such as Montebello Rockfest, Trois-Rivières Metalfest and Decimate Metalfest.

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